
Theme Of Absurdism In Waiting For Godot

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Theatre of the absurd is one of the prominent schools of drama which flourished during the twentieth century. Absurd plays usually convey the believe that human existence is pointless and life is irrational, meaningless, and futile. Therefore, they illustrate humanity’s correspondence to the absurdity of the world especially after the two destructive world wars. Although people struggle to give life meaning, their inability to find any led them to experience anxiety and confusion. As a result, people started to doubt religion, question the existence of God, and suffer from weak faith. Samuel Buckett’s play Waiting for Godot deals with several themes that highlights the absurdity of human conditions. The play starts with “Nothing to be done”. …show more content…

In act one, Vladimir suggests that both repent then Estragon questioned “our being born?” Vladimir laughed implying that repentance no longer has any real value for them. Vladimir also points out the two thieves’ story “Two thieves, crucified at the same time as our Saviour. One is supposed to have been saved and the other damned.” Originally, the story of the thieves signifies the forgiveness of God and it is supposed to give hope to sinners. Nevertheless, Buckett in this play makes fun of this false hope which suggests that one of them will be doomed.
Hope is usually a positive concept, but it is represented in this play as an absurd human condition that keeps people living in ambiguity and frustration. To Vladimir and Estragon, Godot’s arrival is their only hope. This mood of waiting leads them to think about committing suicide. They try to throw themselves from the top of the Eiffel tower in their youth, and now they want to hang themselves. In the absence of hope and sense of existence life becomes unbearable, so they try to reach the next definite thing which is death. Even Estragon went as far as asking Vladimir to kill …show more content…

While language has a great importance for human beings, absurdists believe that language is meaningless and useless. Beckett uses some techniques to emphasize this idea. First, the repetition of words and phrases makes the language sounds incomprehensible. Vladimir and Estragon repeat the dialog and sometimes reversed, but sill it has no meaning. Secondly, since people are isolated and cut from each other, they cannot establish meaningful conversations. Accordingly, Vladimir and Estragon cannot understanding each other when they have a conversation. They are just speaking to fill their time while waiting. Language fragmentation adds one more level of absurdity to the paly. For example, Lucky’s long eloquent speech is fragmented and does not carry any

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