
Theme Of Civil Disobedience In Antigone

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The Greek play Antigone, written by Sophocles, demonstrates the idea of civil disobedience, and many other ideas, in a very tragic way. Throughout the drama, many conflicts, external and internal, occurred between the characters all because of laws that have been broken. This tragedy’s main conflict was between man and himself. King Creon has gotten in many conflicts because of his pride which means he has not only been battling others, but he has been battling himself. There also was a big conflict between Antigone and King Creon because she has broken his laws to honor her deceased brother. In the end, Creon has learned his lesson in a very despondency way. Throughout the Greek play Antigone, Sophocles is implying the idea, through internal and external conflicts, that although civil disobedience may be necessary in certain situations, it is futile because no matter what, there will consequences as the outcome. The external conflict between King Creon and Antigone demonstrates that even though individuals may be breaking the law for a good cause, there will always be a bad outcome. In the beginning of the play, Antigone tells her sister, Ismene, that she is going to disobey her uncle’s rules to bury her beloved yet fallen brother Polyneices. Creon did not believe that Polyneices should receive a proper burial because he betrayed his own country by going to war with his brother, Eteocles, for power; however, antigone believed that no matter what her brother did, he

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