
Theme Of Classism In Through It All

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Caribbean Civilisation deals with the history of the Caribbean beginning from before the arrival of Christopher Columbus to the today’s world and how the past impacts the culture and the identity of the modern Caribbean. The novel Through It All written by Giselle Mills carry us through the journey of a teenage girl life as she found love and how it ties in with her family and social life. The novel which consists of twenty chapters brings out themes in the everyday Caribbean society which gives the Caribbean its identity.
Patriarchal households have become less the Caribbean. “Patriarchy is a system of society where the men are the head-of-the-household, carry the most power and where the family lineage passes on through men” ( Directly after emancipation from slavery in the Caribbean, jobs, and education opportunities favour males. This leads to the females to stay at home to take care of the children or household chores. If women had jobs, they were usually as domestic workers. In the Caribbean, men are normally considered as the head of the household since they were the sole “breadwinner”. As time goes on, women slowly gain access to education and better jobs opportunities …show more content…

There were a few instances of racism in the novel. One instance was when the Rose Marie went to the restaurant with her family and colleagues to talk about her book, the other customers who were white start give them uncomfortable stares. Another occasion which you could consider as racist was when the Richard said: “Well, she surely adds colour to the party” referring to Andreide been the probably the only black person at the party. I think Racism in the Caribbean is a decreasing problem after the abolition of slavery. The Caribbean is usually considered as a “melting pot” where the majority of the populace are Africans, Indians and Chinese, therefore racism stemming from slavery have

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