
Theme Of Coincidence In Tess Of D Urbervilles

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Significance of Coincidences in Hardy’s Novel Tess of D’urbervilles

Hardy’s novels often appeal to the readers on account of the philosophy of life that they offer. To be more precise and direct, the readers’ response depends on the philosophy of life as they receive from the novels. Most often the discussion happens on why and how Hardy constructs his plots leaning more on to ‘Fate’, ‘Destiny’, ‘Chance’ and ‘Coincidence’. When we put these terms in a proper perspective for better understanding, any incidence is a coincidence as it happens due to chance and it is received as destiny which is the imposition of fate. So, one way of understanding is that ‘coincidence’ is the visible manifestation of fate and ‘fate’ is the invisible source of all coincidences. ‘Chance’ and ‘destiny’ are the interpretative tools or assumptions that try to explain the causative link between ‘coincidence’ and ‘fate’. The present article aims at highlighting the significance of ‘coincidences’ that have lead to a series of tragic events in the life of Tess and make the novel seemingly unreasonable but highly impacting on the minds of the readers.
KEY WORDS: Coincidence, Chance, Fate, Destiny, Hardy
Hardy’s novels often appeal to the readers on …show more content…

However, some of them (writers) may appear to have gone over inclined on to the coincidences. In some novels, where the writer uses coincidences to have complete control on the plot, the writer is forced to explain and interpret the invisible controlling power. Hardy’s novel Tess of D’urbervilles is one of such novels in which coincidences dictate the course and intensity of action, all through the story. The present article aims at highlighting the significance of ‘coincidences’ that have lead to a series of tragic events in the life of Tess and makes the novel seemingly unreasonable but highly impacting on the minds of the

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