
Theme Of Faith In Life Of Pi

Decent Essays

Life of Pi by Yann Martel is the story of a shipwreck, a castaway, and an adult Bengal tiger. But it is mostly the story of Piscine Patel, a boy with so much faith in his heart that he cannot limit himself to just one religion. It is this faith that ultimately pulls him through his harrowing experiences on the Pacific Ocean, his desperation, and his depression. Life of Pi questions our faith, as well; the author’s note states that this is “a story that will make you believe in God.” The following pages are oftentimes confusing, strange, and delightful, showing us Martel’s central message of truth and belief in Life of Pi: doubt or skepticism can eclipse a story that is best enjoyed in good faith.
Pi frequently lampshades the believability of his story, having met skepticism his whole life. At the beginning of Chapter 92, he says, “I have made an exceptional botanical discovery. But there will be many who disbelieve the following episode. Still, I give it to you now because it’s part of the story and it happened to me” (256). It’s true that the events that follow are difficult to believe, but Pi’s account of his brief respite on an island that threatens to swallow him whole is so lively and colorful that it’s even harder not to get swept up in the vivid description and incredible suspense. Pi acknowledges that there are fantastical elements of the story, but leaves them in despite the doubt they inspire in his audience. He does this because, as he says, it’s part of what

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