
Theme Of Fear In The Crucible

Decent Essays

Have you ever had a life impacting experience that was a fight or flight situation? Where you were fearful of something bad happening to you? In the past five or six weeks we have been studying stories that are about fear and it was up to me to decide if fear is always a harmful emotion. And based off of what we have read fear is always lurking around out characters and somehow has an effect on someone in any of the stories that we read. In the story ‘The Crucible’ the main theme of the story is fear and deception. Throughout this story we see a hefty amount of different personalities and characters being portrayed as villains both from the author's point of view and different characters throughout the play. These characters are shot with fear and will do anything to defend themselves even if it means pushing another character in the way of the figurative train of death. The Story has no real defined path that it is going because it is all driven by something we are all scared of, fear. So you need to look at how the fear is pushed onto the characters and how it affect the lives of them and their neighbors into a rat’s nest of problems and as what we like to ironically call modern day “Witch Hunting.” In the Crucible we see that many examples of the blame game based solely on the idea of fear and how it harms others. In Act two of the story we see that even before anything is even figured out or resolved people are already confessing to witchcraft and how they don’t want

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