
Theme Of Good And Evil In Dr Jekylll And Mr Hyde

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In Robert Louis Stevenson’s “Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”, the theme of good versus evil is repeatedly portrayed in several different characters throughout the story. A debated question has arose and surrounded the topic of dual mortality and choosing between good and evil. The question is: Do you have the ability to choose between good and evil, or does one or the another choose your path for you? I believe that good and evil are rooted inside you from the moment you are born, but you have the ability to choose what you desire to become. To begin, good and evil are inside of you, but what you become is to be determined by you. At outdoor Ed, we were told a story about a Cherokee tribe and becoming a man. The story was about a boy who was nervous about going into manhood. To become a man, he was required to pass a test. He went to his grandfather for advice. He grandfather was meditating and quietly asked him why he came. The boy explained how he was nervous about his upcoming test and his grandfather nodded and started to speak. His grandfather told him about how humans had two wolves fighting a war inside of him. The wolves were represented by good and evil. The boy finally understood that good and evil have been fighting inside of him, but he had to choose the winner. The grandfather told him that he had passed the test, and he was now a man. Furthermore, there are several examples of when characters do something out of good intentions. For example, Mr. Utterson could

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