
Theme Of Heroism In My Grandmother Asked Me To Tell You She's Sorry

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Every child can identify at least one person in their life that they deem heroic. In Fredrik Backman’s novel My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry, the young protagonist Elsa discovers superheroes in her own life who teach her significant life lessons. The first hero Elsa encounters is Wolfheart, and he shows her the importance of loyalty and friendship. Next, she discovers Britt-Marie’s hidden heroism after hearing about the unfortunate circumstances surrounding her marriage. This older woman shows Elsa inner strength and how to deal with grief. Finally, towards the end of the novel, Elsa meets her newborn brother Harry. His heroism lies in his ability to become a symbol of hope for his sister. These three characters become …show more content…

In a heart to heart at the hospital, Britt-Marie tells Elsa, “‘We want to be loved...failing that, admired; failing that, feared; failing that, hated and despised. At all costs we want to stir up some feeling in others’” (Backman 3360). This excerpt explains the reason Britt-Marie stays with her unfaithful husband: she craves love and affection. Even if it’s just for a few moments, a little attention is better than accepting the reality that her marriage is failing. In a sense, Britt-Marie is trying to cope with the feelings of grief upon losing the faithful man she once married. Elsa is able to relate to her about losing someone she cares about, and is able to see deeper into the circumstances that has shaped Britt-Marie. Britt-Marie emulates what it means to be strong, and she teaches Elsa not to judge others without knowing their full backstory. Elsa meets her half brother Harry towards the end of the novel. As she did for Britt-Marie, Elsa has negative feelings for her soon-to-be little brother for most of the novel. She feared he would replace her in the family. However, at the end, Elsa reflects about her change of heart. “The wurse dies on the same day that Elsa’s brother is born. Elsa decides that she will tell her brother all about it when he’s older. Tell him about her first best friend. Tell him that some things have to clear a space so something else

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