
Theme Of Individuality In Anthem, By Ayn Rand

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Ayn Rand’s fiction novella about a post-apocalyptic collectivist society uses imagery of light to convey the theme of Individuality. An important part of the story is when Equality 7-2521 harnessed electricity. Equality 7-2521 makes the electric light without anyone else, while in an underground passage, with the only light sparkling in the dark: “…in that moment nothing existed save our two hands over a wire glowing in a black abyss.”(Rand, 1961) Equality 7-2521 is the only person in his dreadful society to think of things other than what he is supposed to. He is the embodiment of individuality in “Anthem”. He struggled throughout the book with doing things by himself, and is accused of it while confronting the world council of scholars. When

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