
Theme Of Just Mercy And Shawshank Redemption

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In Bryan Stevenson’s book “Just Mercy” and Stephen King’s movie “Shawshank Redemption”, injustice is brought up frequently. Injust is shown through racism, money, and mental illnesses. Bryan and Stephen use great examples and details to explain how injustice is obviously in today’s court systems.

Throughout “Just Mercy”, Bryan stevenson talks about a woman named Trina Garnett. She was a 14 year old with mental disabilities who was abused, homeless, and lonely. As a child, she was abused and raped repeatedly by her father, who also raped her mother and sisters. She was charged with second degree murder because she snuck into a boy’s house and lit a match which burned down the house, resulting in the murder of the two boys in the house. For this crime, she went in front of a judge at the young age of 14 years old. Additionally, the judge did not agree with the sentencing he would have to give Trina for the crime. He was required to give her life sentence for a crime that was an accident. The trial itself was unjust due to the fact that her mental disabilities and childhood were not taken into consideration when her sentencing was given. Likewise, many young people are sent to prison for life for something they did due to their unstable childhood and lack of adults present in their life. Trina’s disabilities and age at the time of the crime should have been taken into the contemplation of how her life would be from there on out. This also goes along with Walter McMillan's case and how his was unjust because of his race and relationships. He was convicted of shooting a white woman because he was black. The authorities needed to calm the town so they put him on death row for six years before he got out. Within “Shawshank Redemption”, Stephen King shows how Andy, the main character in the movie, is wrongfully accused due to injustice in the court system. Andy was married to a woman who he loved dearly. This woman ended up cheating on him with another man and getting caught by Andy. Additionally, his wife and her lover were making love one night and Andy was wanting to confront her. He walked around drunk, armed, and motivated to talk to her. Later on, he realizes he was stupid to go there and leaves after

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