
Theme Of Losing Battle In To Kill A Mockingbird

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One of the significant themes in To Kill A Mockingbird is fighting a losing battle. One of the losing battles in the novel was the incident regarding the mad dog. When Jem and Scout decided to go exploring with their air rifles, they saw Tim Johnson down the street, a "liver-colored bird dog, the pet of Maycomb" (Lee 96). When the children saw the dog, they told Calpurnia. After Calpurnia saw the dog with her own eyes, she classified the dog as a mad dog (Lee 123). Subsequently, Atticus and Heck Tate came to observe the situation. Tim Johnson was walking erratically at a snail’s pace towards the Radley Place (Lee 125). Atticus killed the dog in one shot with Heck’s rifle (Lee 127). This incident was a losing battle because the mad dog had

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