
Theme Of Love In The Great Gatsby

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Eventually the parties end, eventually you run out of champagne, eventually you become bored of the life that seemed to be the best way to live. Suddenly you realize that the dizzy feeling you get is not as exciting as it was when you were in the moment. Once you open your eyes and finally see how clear and still the world is around you, you finally realize that living in a constant twirl becomes exhausting. The sudden affair that once gave you rush of elation disappears and is replaced with the feeling of trepidation. Nothing that you can escape. F. Scott Fitzgerald sense this amusing situation and writes a book that is more or less based off of what some may call the teenage years of America. Also known as the “Roaring twenties” where drinking and doing drugs was the most popular trend and plunging into experimenting with sexual intercourse outside of marriage was the norm. F. Scott Fitzgerald places all the excitement into one of the most favored stories of the twentieth century, also known as “The Great Gatsby”. In this story, F. Scott Fitzgerald throws love, mystery, and historical conflicts and blends it all with just a dash of life lessons. These messages are exercised throughout the book with different scenarios and breathtaking risks.
In the novel “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the main character Gatsby experiences one of the most powerful forces known to man. This force is more commonly known as love. Love, drives Mr. Gatsby to do some crazy things in

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