
Theme Of Manners In Pride And Prejudice

Decent Essays

There's a reason Pride & Prejudice is often stated as a very good book, Austen describes people

and their behavior brilliantly. She's often making fun of them, while still making serious points about

society. Directs a lot to how women depended on their brothers, fathers, husbands in a financial way. The

role of men in society has evolved drastically from the 18th century till present day. Men have gone from

a high, expected profile to an equal socially and economically to women.

Pride and Prejudice is a is a novel of manners by Jane Austrean, published in 1813. The novel is

about a girl named Elizabeth Bennet, as she deals with issues of manners, morality, education, and

marriage the British society. Tells the story of Mr. …show more content…

His character is thereby complete.”[Referring to Mr. Bingley].(Austen). Both of these

men show well amounts of manners and respect to and from the society. From the way they

speak to the way they actually present themselves. Also the ways they acted in public or in any

other place how well respected they were. But one of the most important one was how they

treated their women, which shows the kind of man you are and how well respected you are.

However, manners have somewhat faded away from decade to decade, men are not quite the

gentlemen anymore. Yes it is the 21st century not the 18th, and these are modern times but that does not

excuse men from not being respectful or showing some kind of manners. We've set the standard very low

for men. Nowadays men don't show the respect for women that is deserved. Also faul into showing the

manners one is supposed to have. Starting from one of the simplest examples such as asking a girl to

dance with you, it is embarrassing that girls invite boys now or girls just dance with one another.

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