
Theme Of Mistakes In The Scarlet Letter And The Other Wes Moore

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The Admittance of Mistakes in The Scarlet Letter and The Other Wes Moore
On May 17, 2017, a man named Arthur got into a fight with his boyfriend who later decided to press charges. If he pleaded guilty during the first trial, Arthur would get three years of probation with a criminal record, but he could keep his jobs. If he pleaded not guilty, he would receive 30 days in jail before the second trial, but he would likely lose his jobs (Ralphling 1). While this is a terrible situation for Arthur, it’s difficult to feel the how his decision would affect all involved without a deeper understanding of their points of view. Given equally difficult opportunities to admit their mistakes and choices, the protagonists from The Scarlet Letter and The Other Wes Moore endured long periods of internal conflict as they struggled to correct or accept the mistakes that were direct consequences of their actions. The calculated use of diction and tone by both authors allowed the theme of these novels to actually feel real compared to Arthur’s case. The theme acceptance of mistakes is carefully crafted in each novel through the strong usage of diction and tone.
The use of early American diction in The Scarlet Letter and urban slang in The Other Wes Moore help to develop the emotional gravity of both books as they wrestle with the theme of acceptance of mistakes. During a prison visit in The Other Wes Moore, the two boys named Wes discuss how making mistakes can affect a person. The

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