
Theme Of Night By Elie Wiesel

Satisfactory Essays

Haley Spanner
Mrs. Mayer
Honors English
22 August 2017
In Elie Wiesel’s book Night, we learn the story of a father and a son staying together and never giving up on each other in the horrifying events that made up the Holocaust. In Forrest Carter’s The Education of Little Tree we see how you can keep strong even when others are against you, as long as you have people to stand by you and people who you can learn from. In John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men we learn the story of two men who work together and do what is best for each other, even if what is best can be burdensome. Last but not least, in Peter Hedges What’s Eating Gilbert Grape we learn the story of a family who cares for each other, even when it seems impossible to do. Each …show more content…

A father and a son try to stay together and survive one of the world’s most horrific events to ever go down in history, the Holocaust. Eliezer tells the story of him being taken away from his mother and sister and forced into hard labor and harsh living conditions. Even though Eliezer is trying his hardest to survive, he also cares for his sick father because he is the only family member he has left at the moment. The two depend on each other to make it through the concentration camps because without each other they would have lost hope. Companionship helps them to never give up, in hopes of one day making it out of the camps …show more content…

The four siblings always care for their younger brother Arnie, since he is slow. They also take care of their obese mother since she cannot move around that well like the others in the family. Without the help of all the siblings, they would not be able to survive because each of them plays a significant role to keep everything running smoothly in each of their lives. The siblings care for each other deeply even when they do not show it, because when their mother died they stuck together and made some difficult choices as a

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