
Theme Of Revenge In Hamlet

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Hamlet’s Revenge In Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the main character Hamlet is prompted to seek revenge by the ghost of his father for his murder. The target of his revenge is his uncle Claudius, who poured poison in King Hamlet’s ears. After he is implored to take action by him, Hamlet appears to go mad, having emotional outbursts, speaking nonsense, seeing the apparition of his father, however this is all part of a plot. Hamlet’s madness is not real, instead it’s simply a part of his intelligent plan for vengeance. Hamlet devises a plan to put on an “antic disposition” (1.5.172) in order to trick Claudius to throw him off. If Claudius was aware that Hamlet knew that his father’s death was no accident, he would have Hamlet killed. Firstly, Hamlet is already enraged over everyone’s dismissive attitude towards the death of his father, including his mother. But when he learns that his uncle Claudius had committed murder against him it’s when Hamlet’s anger truly bubbles over. The audience can empathize with Hamlet’s need to get revenge on his father, and especially for that time period. Hamlet doesn’t go about his plans haphazardly. His actions are of a person who knows what they are doing and the most effective way to do it. To get to Claudius, Hamlet decided that he will arrange a play in where he will “catch the conscience of the king” (2.1.585). He decided that the players will reenact the scene of King Hamlet’s murder. His plan works. Claudius becomes angry. Hamlet’s

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