
Theme Of Sacrifice In The Kite Runner

Decent Essays

There are many themes that circumnavigate the Kite Runner, but the most distinct core value, that closely correlates to Amir’s own personal journey, is redemption. In the novel, the author Khaled Hosseini accurately portrays human nature in his representation of his characters, and despite their sins or tendencies to fall from grace, the real girth of his story lies in their ability to redeem themselves through their own acts of personal sacrifice. In the beginning of the novel, Amir seeks to redeem himself from the guilt he feels for the responsibility of his mother’s death, thus winning the affections of his father. In order to do so, Amir makes two of the biggest mistakes of his life; taking advantage of Hassan’s unwavering loyalty. From there the rest of the novel …show more content…

Amir’s return to Afghanistan, as well as his confrontation with Assef and saving of Sohrab, all include major plot points. Though he has failed to stand up for the right thing as a child, he had redeemed himself for finding the courage to do so as an adult. By the end of the novel, Amir realizes that although the road to redemption is a long one indeed, he is more than willing to pay for it in any way he can, “because when spring comes, it melts the snow one flake at a time.” (page 701) Yet Amir is far from the only character in the novel that suffers at the hands of their own tainted past. There are many parallels in the novel between Amir and his father Baba, one of the more prominent ones being Baba’s own cowardly nature - in regards to his infidelity and lack of responsibility of it- and his persistence in finding salvation from his sins. In the

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