
Theme Of The Power And The Glory By Green

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As a catholic writer, Greene stands for Catholicism with its spiritual concept inside the individual. In The power and the glory, he criticizes the ideological authorities, the church and the Marxist government, which create anger and tension in the world at the expense of people’s need for spiritual comfort which they find only in religion. From an objective perspective, Greene presents the reality of the two authorities; the church with its pride and deception, and the Marxist government with its violence and coldness. Both carry noble aims, but when it comes to application, corruption prevails, and nothing is left to hold on but religion.
The power and the Glory is based on different levels of anger. The first one is the outrage at the Catholic …show more content…

To illustrate; the lieutenant is proud of his mission to demolish the church for the sake of his people, though it is achieved by the cruelest ways. Moreover, the idealism he aims at is far-fetched with or without the Church, because such utopia does not exist. It is a fact that “the world [is] unhappy whether you are rich or poor unless you are a saint, and there are [not] many of those.” (The power and the Glory 136). As for the Church, it is pride that made it fall in the same way “pride was what made the angels fall. Pride’s the worst thing of all” (The power and the Glory 238). Pride is the main reason for the anger at the church; priests have got to conceited by their power and authority, they gave up their duty, neglected their prayers, committed sins, and exploited the poor for their own favor. It is pride that corrupts authorities, while humility is the thing that brings tolerance and peace to the world as imperfect as it …show more content…

In the prison jail, the priest finds himself “a criminal among a herd of criminals” (The Power and the Glory 170); he learns to love everyone even the sinners as Christ did. He understands that “It [is] so easy to die for what was good or beautiful, for home or children or civilization - it needed a Saint to die for the half-hearted and the corrupt.” (The Power and the Glory 139). The priest has almost reached this point when

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