
Theme Of Two Kind By Amy Tan

Decent Essays

What exactly is the American dream? For many individuals the so-called American dream might vary. In “two kind” by Amy Tan the mother whom is a Chinese immigrant wishes that her first generation American daughter accomplish everything she couldn’t and even wishes that her daughter becomes a prodigy. This hope to acquired the American dream bring tension in the mother and daughter relationship and she in between these two kind of dreams her mothers dream for her and her own dreams. Also, this writing emphasizes the relationship of an immigrant mother and her Chinese American daughter and the tension cause by the American culture that clashes with mother Chinese culture and leads into miscommunication. Also, what might seem like the mother want her to be famous and extremely good at something and in some way it might come across as if she is trying to live thru her and the daughter starts to feel like she is worthless with all of those expectation, just the way of her mother showing her persistence and to try hard and believe in herself and she can accomplish anything she puts her mind to but to the …show more content…

“The family tie between the mother and daughter in each of these Chinese-American families is no longer what determines the Chinese daughter's obligation or the Chinese mother's authority” this illustrates that sometimes culture might come in the way and we might have to leave roles aside to try to construct a good relationship. Just like the main character when she rebel to her mother and said she was not going to let her change who she was and the mother felt like her daughter was disobeying her. It is just hard to be in between to cultures that you have no desire or control over

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