
Theme Of Violence In The Iliad

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Violence has been a prominent feature of society, from the twenty first century today, all the way back to B.C. So of course literary works are no different, all great literary works have a form of violence, that does not exist for its own sake. Especially during the era of ancient Greece; where, violence was a prominent part of their life style. Following pursuit is the literary work from the time period. During this time many great works came out, but one that stands out is the Iliad by Homer. Homer's Iliad is an epic stuffed full of violence; but, two specific scenes stand out exponentially and paved the way for all other works of literature.

Leading off, before delving to deeply into the two main quotes, a discussion about some of the other minor acts of violence throughout the Iliad will be brought to light. Mainly, the very first line of the epic which starts off by, giving foreshadowing of the ruthless violence to come by stating “The wrath sing, goddess, of Peleus' son, Achilles, that destructive wrath which brought countless woes upon the Achaeans, and sent forth to Hades many valiant souls of heroes, and made them themselves spoil for dogs and every bird” (Iliad book 1). At first glance, this line states that almost everyone will be slaughtered in the Iliad. Although, with further analysis one will discover that not only will they be slaughtered; but, their corpses savagely ripped apart by dogs and vulture. In Greek beliefs a body must be properly laid to rest

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