
Theme Of Weakness In The Crucible

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People often tell lies to evade punishment for their wrong doings, however sometimes these lies get out of control and a person must test their weaknesses and courage. This is exactly the situation the characters in The Crucible dealt with. It takes place in the Puritan village of Salem, Massachusetts during the Salem Witch Trials which happened from 1692-1693. The mayhem of the trials began when Abigail Williams and several other girls are caught dancing in the woods with the Barbados slave, Tituba. Dancing is considered a sin by the Puritans, the girls instead of owning up to their mistake, claim the Tituba had them under a spell. The girls later claim seeing others with the devil. Further fueling Abigail's desire to be involved in the trials is her past affair with John Proctor. In an attempt to take Proctor's wife place she accuses her of witchcraft. However, the accusations are never truly questioned by the court because Abigial’s lies are just accepted as truth in the midst of the hysteria until Mary Warren tries to testify against Abigail. The hysteria ends with Proctor refusing to sign a false confession choosing to hang instead and Abigail runs away. Arthur Miller shows the impact of weaknesses, courage and lies, though the actions of Mary Warren, Elizabeth Proctor, and Abigail Williams. The theme of weakness is portrayed though Mary Warren’s inability to remain truthful under the immense pressure to lie. This is seen in Act III when she goes to the court

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