
Theme Of Women In Othello

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In the play Othello, written by Shakespeare, women do not get to enjoy the same freedom that women do today.(major topics in the text). Women were responsible for keeping the image of their families good, men were considered the head of the household. Women had to uphold the perfect image when in a marriage, society had its own standards for women and there were different social values of women in the Elizabethan society. In this period women had strict set standards. Women were said to not go anywhere alone, meaning unescorted, they should not speak very often, they should not wear any sexual clothing or makeup, and they should obey their husbands and fathers. The last reason is somewhat of a shock to the readers because Desdemona had such a covert marriage. Once a woman is married she now has more rules to follow. She has to be faithful to her husband or she could end up being called a whore, or even worse. Once a women is labeled a whore, it ruins the family name in the society. Not only does it ruin her family's name but now she has also ruined her future. In this time period, this was a very serious topic and once the women was said to be a whore, she was considered guilty until proven innocent. Othello is a play about the act between men and women in Elizabethan England. Othello and Desdemona are the perfect example of an Elizabethan couple. Othello is a powerful man while Desdemona is a devoted and passive wife. Iago is a man who is jealous of Othello. The readers

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