
Theme Of Women In The Epic Of Gilgamesh Women

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Throughout the history women’s nature have been represented with many definitions. They have been entitled by powerful beings, dangerous, weak, and cunning, leaders, or even murderers. In the epic of Gilgamesh and Greek play, Medea, many women are represented having, by some means, same characteristics. In the epic of Gilgamesh women are in charge of many huge changes, because of their nature. In the Medea, a women is represented who did many sacrifices for her husband, however, gets nothing in return and as a result she attempts evil deeds. Since centauries women’s nature have always been studied under observation of male gender and represented to societies. These Created and developed rules by social constructions in different communities’ women see themselves as what is shown for them by others. …show more content…

Gilgamesh who is the most powerful person and king of Uruk, when finds out about existence of another powerful person, Enkidu, than him, therefore, he decides to send Enkidu a harlot to seduce and tame him until he becomes civilized and take Enkidu to the city. Gilgamesh says, “Trapper go back, take with you a harlot, a child of pleasure. At the drinking hole she will strip, and when, he sees her beckoning he will embrace her and the game of the wilderness will surely reject him. P.21. From this citation, ideas of old Sumerian society about women’s nature is clearly shown that they used women as an object of seduction and pleasure. On the other hand it can also be said that according to their belief women’s power is greater than the physical power of a person. The other meaning that can be taken from the text is that Sumerians thought women are source of changing people’s lives’ condition have the ability of bringing from wilderness to

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