
Theme Of Women In The Great Gatsby

Decent Essays

In the American classic, The Great Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan is depicted, through the use of symbolism and discourse, as vacuous and materialistic. This depiction positions the reader to view the American dream as a patriarchal construct which encourages women to obsess over objects, and simultaneously reduces them to objects in the eyes of men. Both the sense of wonder and the sense of loss are associated with women, and women are the object of the novel’s moral indignation just as they are the object of its romanticism (Fetterley, 1978). Set in the 1920s, the same time that F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote the book, the story delves into the absence of morality during the Prohibition in New York, especially among the female characters. The three main women within the book, Daisy Buchanan, Myrtle Wilson and Jordan Baker, are shown to have prominent vices and flaws, particularly Daisy. Throughout the duration of the events, Daisy is constantly objectified and ‘brought’ on many occasions throughout the novel.

When first introduced to Daisy Buchanan, the reader is made aware of the fact early on that she and her husband are absurdly wealthy. This is a pivotal point for the characteristics that she expresses at crucial moments in the text. The discourse used by Daisy makes it apparent that she is a product of societal pressures on how she should act as a member of the upper class and as a female. After World War 2, women were given more freedom to what they could wear and the activities

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