
Themes In Catcher In The Rye

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“The Catcher in the Rye” is a classic American novel written by J.D. Salinger. In this book Salinger uses multiple themes, in order to connect the reader to the main character, Holden Caulfield, and the story itself. Three of the themes he uses in the book are innocence vs. maturity, “phoniness”, and loneliness. These themes are great in this novel when they stand alone. However, when Salinger uses them to connect to the others, it becomes a story that will stay with you for a lifetime, and the reader will understand why this novel is regarded as one of the best ever.
From the beginning of the novel, one common theme is the innocence that Holden is losing, and the maturity he is trying to gain, faster than it is coming. Holden is …show more content…

Holden misses his innocent days, and we can see this in the way he admires his little sister Phoebe. He admires the innocence that his sister still has, while also admiring the way adults admire the innocence he still has left. Holden also has an ongoing curiosity about where the ducks in the Central Park lagoon go during the winter, this shows a sort of childlike wonder in him. All of this adds up to show how J.D. Salinger make a major theme out of innocence vs. maturity.
The fact that Holden is not fully mature means that he doesn’t completely know who he is. However, he seems to have an obsession with whether or not other people are being true to themselves. For example, when he meets Sally’s friend outside the play, he automatically assumes they meet at “some phony party”. He even said he left the school he went to before Pencey, Elkton Hills due to the amount of phony people he meet there. What someone has to do to qualify as a “phony” in Holden’s book, is not completely clear. But the term seems to describe anyone he doesn’t like. Which leads to the question of whether or not Holden is as true as he leads us to believe. Now, he was genuine that time he and Sally went for a drink and Holden asked, “Do you ever get fed up?” This in its self is a truly honest question. He then goes on to rant about his life and how he wants to leave it all behind in order to run away with Sally. To Sally this appears very reveling and honest, and even show his inner most

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