
Themes Of Consonance In The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost

Decent Essays

The Road not taken is a poem by Robert Frost was first written in 1916 and it is one of the most famous pieces of American literature. “It was published in 1978 it has also sold more than seven million copies in the United States and Canada.” (Orr). ““The Road Not Taken,” plays a unique role not simply in American literature, but in American culture —and in world culture as well. Its signature phrases have become so ubiquitous, so much a part of everything from coffee mugs to refrigerator magnets to graduation speeches, that it’s almost possible to forget the poem is actually a poem” (Orr).
Literary devices are devices that authors use to add texture, energy, and excitement to their works. It is no different in poetry, in “The Road Not …show more content…

One of the paths is clear and has been worn down due to traffic. In the end, he takes the one that was less traveled on and that made all the difference. The two paths represent one of the most used main themes in literary history. Choices have been the main theme in some of the world’s greatest works. Jesus uses this theme in Matthew 7:13 in the Narrow and Wide Gates Parable.
13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matthew 7:13 Frost uses this theme to demonstrate choices in life and everything you do. One choice can be to go down the highly traveled road or the less traveled road. The highly traveled road would be the easiest path to take whereas the less traveled road would be harder to take. At the end of the poem, you find that he took the road less traveled. “During the poem, he is not pleased about having to make this choice and states that he would like to take both roads.” (The Road Not Taken) The poem implies but does not state directly, that the most important factor to consider when making a choice is that the course of action chosen should fit in with the decisions that you have made in the past.” (The Road Not Taken) “The narrator is stressed about being faced with two paths that lead in different directions because the wrong choice will lead to a lack of integrity.”

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