
Themes Of Frankenstein Essay

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Themes of Frankenstein

There are many different themes expressed in Mary Shelly's Frankenstein. They vary with each reader but basically never change. These themes deal with the education that each character posses, the relationships formed or not formed in the novel, and the responsibility for ones own actions. This novel even with the age still has ideas that can be reasoned with even today.
Each character has their own educational background, which in turn has a large effect to the way they react and deal with the issues that face them. One example of this is Victor Frankenstein; he took his education into his own hands. When he went to the University of Inglostaldt he …show more content…

He watched the De Laceys and learned how to talk, read, and how to love. He read about the creation of Adam and compared himself to the story of the fallen angel. This education may not be the deepest or most rational but it does connect deep into the minds of the reader.
Though education in this novel helps to form some of the bonds between characters the bonds that do not form play an important role in Frankenstein. The most prevalent relationship that does not ever truly form is that between the Victor and his creation. Victor, during his making of the creature, is so proud and infatuated with the idea of what he is bringing to the world; but when life flows through the veins of the creature Victor is terrified and abandons him. He could not stand to see the wretch of a being that he created. Before the creature was alive he was beautiful to Victor. This abandonment set the relationship out on thin ice in the beginning. Victor had no one to tell him how to handle the problem and take care of the creature so in turn he ran from the creature. This situation is like that of a parent but Victor's idea was more of possession, ownership, and success of the creation itself. Victor's character was not one that could cope with what he has done.

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