
Themes Of Life Is So Good

Decent Essays

Theme Essay on Life is So Good
All of people at one point or another experiences a major change in a lifetime. From those moments those people are able to grow and become better; In other words an adult. In the novel Life is So Good by: George Dawson and Richard Glaubman the theme of this novel is “coming of age”. The theme of “coming of age” is very apparent in many chapters in the story, and George Dawson’s action are very inspirational to all people. We see throughout the novel that George works hard on the farm to help support the family. George also sacrifices his own education just to help the family, and, eventually, George leaves his family so that he wouldn’t have to be a burden to them and learn how to support himself. The novel Life is So Good is a “coming of age novel”, because George Dawson learns to work hard for his family, make sacrifices, and leave his family to learn how to support himself. The first reason this novel’s overarching theme is “coming of age” novel is that there are multiple scenes in this book where George is working hard just to help his family. From a very young age, it isn’t usually expected that children will have to work in order to help support their families. Many young people today gently and kindly go through the “coming of age” process due to the many improvements shared within the modern world, and what makes it so inspirational is that George Dawson has to go through “coming of age” at a very young age because it was needed by his family. Also he understands what responsibility is and how he needs to be responsible. “Putting his hand on my shoulder, he said to the store clerk,’He’s all of ten years, but the boy crushed as much cane as I did.’ Since the age of four, I had always been working to help the family.” (3) From the quote, the narrator (George Dawson) narrates that he has worked hard from a very young age and only does it to help support his family, and it can be seen that the father is very proud of George. George Dawson’s work ethic is also very inspirational, and it inspires the reader to work harder so that they can achieve the things they desire. Another reason why the overarching theme is “coming of age” is because the novel also talks about how

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