
Themes Of ' The Catcher Rye ' And ' On The Sun Also Rises '

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The motifs and themes presented in both The Catcher in the Rye, and in The Sun Also Rises, present fascinating resemblances and differences in the psychological condition of the characters, loneliness and the search for a meaningful companionship after experiencing a loss of a loved one are thoroughly addressed in both books. The desires for fulfillment drive the characters into dangerous psychological states which they try to make up for with excessiveness in the form of alcohol use and promiscuous behavior. This behavior also unravels the topic of masculinity, given the post war periods in which the books are set, women are becoming what we know of them today and this aspect is explored more so in The Sun Also Rises through Brett.
Loneliness and aimlessness are both prevalent in either text. Holden Caulfield’s loneliness is blatantly addressed throughout the book. His manic search for companionship which leads him to less than pleasant encounters and provides the reader with an in-depth look at his emotional condition – he mourns the loss of his younger brother, Allie who died of leukemia three years before the beginning of the story. This loss haunts Holden and makes his ability to form new friendships impossible as he looks for the brilliance and friendliness that he found in his lost sibling. This loneliness is similar to that in Lady Brett Ashley. Despite her powerful presence throughout the text, she suffers from the loss of her husband who died of dysentery in World

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