
Theodore Roosevelt And The Government Change Essay

Decent Essays

After the Civil War, the federal government had a very unassertive role in American life. This is evident in the federal government's laissez-fair policy in terms of big businesses. However when Theodore Roosevelt became the president in 1901, all of this changed. Theodore Roosevelt implemented various government changes including in his policies towards labor and trusts. Theodore Roosevelt implemented major governmental change in the department of labor during his presidency. In 1902, the United Mine Workers struck the coal mines in Pennsylvania, demanding that they receive a salary boost and reduction in working days. The owners of the company, participating in the Anthracite Coal Strike, refused to negotiate. Eight years after, the federal government supported the owners by condemning the American Railway Union for violating the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and for using troops to break a strike. This in turn encouraged the coal owners; however Theodore Roosevelt, to resolve the issue, invited both sides to a conference. He was enraged by the arrogance …show more content…

In 1901, the American economy was engulfed by giant trusts. He believed that major monopolies were a major threat to free markets. As a result, he used the federal government to diminish the power upholding his policy to support the public. In addition, after the anti trust act was upheld, Theodore Roosevelt was inspired to act on more anti trust acts which included oil and American tobacco. Moreover, Theodore Roosevelt also increased the government's role by signing the Hepburn Act which gave the Interstate Commerce Commission more power over the railroads. All in all, he had implemented major changes in the department of tariffs during his presidency that was met with appreciation from the general public. He advocated for a non corrupt corporation and implemented acts in order to do

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