
Theories Of Developmental Psychology : Attachment Theory

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Describe and evaluate two theories in developmental psychology Attachment theory, it refers to an affectionate bond. “A relatively extended and enduring connection with the partner is important as a unique individual is interchangeable with no other” Ainsworth (1989) cited in Gross (2003) hand out in class (03/06/2013).The aim of this attachment is for the infant to remain in close proximity to the attachment figure as she is considered the secure base and the infant would become distressed on separation. Proximity gives the feeling of closeness, relief and of being safe and that sustenance can be provided. Attachment behaviour is promoted by social releases for example; a baby crying; cooing, winning, these are all necessary instincts for survival. This type of attachment is innate and involves both the infant and care giver. The infant would also have a tendency to attach to a single person as a secure base this is known as monotony. This was expressed by Bowlby who was influenced by Lorenz’s work. A concept named by J.Bowlby describing the phenomenon in which a mother appears to be able to bond with only one infant at a time. The concept used by Marshall Klaus and John Kennel in their studies of maternal bonding in mothers of twins. When one twin is taken home from the hospital earlier than the other, the mother often reports that she doesn’t feel that the baby discharged later is hers. The second baby to reach home is more likely to fail to thrive or to be neglected or

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