There are many laws that prevent the use of domestic abuse and bullying but still it is going on. With the wide spread of law placed to keep the numbers down on bullying have risen more and more each year. Many students feel like when they experience it or see it happen to another classmate they can’t speak up or it’s their turn. In high school, students who are bullying others can get expelled if caught. Many people believe that what they don’t see isn’t really hurting anyone. The federal government should create a program for those under abuse because doing so will help the victims, help the bystanders stand up for others and show that they are not alone.
High school is the time where students feel the pressure to make sure their grades
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For that witness, all they can do is look away hoping someone else tells on the bully so they can feel safe. In Smith’s talk, he explains how a certain situation happen to him and how all he did was put his head down and walked away as if nothing even happened (The danger of silence). This spoke volume because students believe that if they didn’t see it then they can’t be held responsible for the actions that happen next. Teaching students about opening up and stating what they saw in order to get either their friend, or their classmate in trouble is a difficult task. When dealing with what goes on within the school the person who oversee the school resort to an assessment (Assess Bullying). These assessments are usually given toward the end of the year and this shows whether if bullying takes place. This is not something that could be taken serious because many students lie. The person who oversees the school will not get a correct response resulting in nothing being done. With the federal program that would be instated it will show that the students are standing up to a great cause that could save somebody’s life.
Bullying does not have a federal law because it goes into harassment toward a certain individual. Many people are getting slandered because they are either gay, of a different race, ethnicity, disability, or sex. Since people who are using those things against others it changes from bullying to
Years ago society saw bullying as the big kid on the playground that stole lunch money from kids. That is not what “bullying” describes now days. According to bullying is:
This program will teach students how to effectively intervene and stand up for victims of bullying. This program will be run and led by students who want and are willing to make a difference, and will be a biweekly FLEX activity, where students can learn about all the sides of bullying, why it happens, the effects of bullying, and most importantly how to stop it. Members will sign a contract and must respect the rules and guidelines of the group. Not doing so will result in probation and if necessary expulsion. Resolving the issue of bullying through a student based program is the most effective solution, because students are the most directly involved in bullying, they are the most effective way to resolve bullying, and they are proving they care about the situation and will make a
Three books and authors dealing with the subject of adoption are Beating the Adoption Odds by Cynthia D. Martin, Adopting in America by Randall Hicks, and Twenty things adopted kids wish their adoptive parents knew.
High school is supposed to be the place where you have fun and a time in your life you’re supposed to enjoy. Movies often trick you into believing that high school is an amazing time in your life and there is nothing but parties and fun. In Bring it on, they portrayed the fun and exciting part of high school cheer-leading, however they intentionally leave out the tough times high school students’ face in school and in their practices. In other popular movies, such as High School Musical the students have no pressures other than the next basketball game. In reality, this doesn 't happen. The constant pressure is affected by the grade level you are in. In high school, students can be classified based on the pressures that are faced in each grade level into the categories of freshman, sophomores/juniors, and seniors. I am here to help you make your high school experience less stressful.
Lately there's been several reports of violent school incidents caused from bullying, and to avoid further problems I think there should be some type of policy to prevent bullying from continuing to happened to children. Bullying has a major effect on kids , giving them a higher chance of suffering depression, sadness and loss of confidence. That can also lead to there adult life , and with social media people have even more ways to bully called cyber bullying . Which is sending threatening messages , posting rude picture or even making fake pages and spreading rumors . This different type of bullying still has the same effects on people , and we need to create something that stops it.
English, trade, and the United States of America, all great things that came out of British imperialism. Although its reach left some wounds that are not completely healed, it also sparked the creation of key parts of the world we live in today. Overpopulation and economic struggles in Britain allowed people to start anew and birth things like democracy in lands far from home. English was established as the common language, which broke communication barriers and opened the door for trade and commerce. Railroads and new technologies were established in Africa, who was stuck in the stone ages. Our world evolved through the struggles of imperialism, and these changes kick started many new ideas and ventures that have made the world what it is
Hello. So I will not be introducing myself. I’d like to keep my name a secret for no apparent reason. Besides, does my name have any pact on this speech? Does my name serve any purpose in my life other than letting people know what to call me? No, no it does not. And to all of you who already know my name, the last four sentences have been a total waste. And to those who don’t, the last four sentences will be nagging you in the head for your entire life about what my name could possibly be.
As society has become revolved around materials and money, it has made it tougher for kids to fit in and be considered “cool”. To make someone suffer from physical and emotional abuse is awfully horrible and only leads to consequences on both sides of the situations. Fortunately, the bullying laws enacted protect helpless victims and help a lot to stop bullying but need to be strictly enforced because many kids still suffer from bullying.
As stories like Moniques and other people demonstrates, there are policies out there that just simply do not work.. One is called zero-tolerance policies, and while these succeed at sending the message that bullying is not tolerated, there are several problems with them. Nora M. Findlay believes, “ One of the most serious problems inherent in zero tolerance is that it treats dissimilar problems in a similar way” (6). Secondly, “Students and teachers may be less likely to report and address bullying if suspension or expulsion is the consequence” (United States Department of Health and Human Services). Two other policies that are used but never works is called peer-mediation, and conflict resolution. The United States Department of Health and Human Services stresses, “Conflict involves antagonism among two or more people. Whereas any two people can have a conflict (or a disagreement or a fight) bullying only occurs when there is a power imbalance-where one child has a hard time defending himself or herself” (“Myths about Bullying” sect. 1). This difference is very important to be aware of because these strategies can make the people being bullied feel even worse. Not only that, but it sends the message that all children share equal blame, which is definitely not an appropriate message. The message to the person being bullied should be,
taking tests, and writing essays, which all leads to grades; is the society’s view of learning. An
Many high school students, including soon-to-be high school graduates, underestimate how crucial it is to be educated and informed on this subject matter. Unfortunately, teenagers today don’t take what teachers, counselors, and parents say seriously in regards to their education. Not knowing that this will define their placement in college, therefore, affecting their future. Your Grade-Point-Average (GPA) will reflect how well you performed academically throughout high school. The higher your GPA, the better chance you have to receive scholarships and government funding that will help pay your tuition and decrease your debt in the future. That is why we must teach on how making an effort and working on your grades is very important. This will define who you become in the future, what college you are eligible to attend, how much debt you will incur,
Lawmakers, activists, and parents have all been working to institute laws to help reconcile the bullying that has invaded the schools. It has not been a speedy process, only nine states require the schools to report bullying to the local authorities (Garby, 2013). New Jersey has the stiffest anti-bullying law thus far, by suspending or
If students would just not get stuck into peer pressure, manage time, and be themselves, then they would strive in high school. Peer pressure is hard to overcome but if students think through the consequences and what could happen to them then it would be easier to overcome. Managing time can easily be fixed if students would plan ahead of time and not wait till the last minute. Fitting in can be hard but everyone just needs to be themselves and not care what others think about you. High school may be a time of struggle but it is for enjoyable times
Bullying has been escalating to a certain degree that it has affected as many as 160,000 students that reported staying home from school every day, because they were afraid of being bullied ( Bullying does not only stops one from wanting to go to school, it also makes one feel anxious, insecure, and unhappy at school, isolated and at times severely depressed (Young, Shin Kim, and Leventhal). Schools must have better resources available to students; this includes the victim and the bully. The victim should have both better counseling and stricter laws to protect them. Bullies also need counseling due to research which states “that many bullies tend to come from families where parents are more
In addition to everything that was mentioned above, teachers,parents and other adults do not know if there is bullying because the students are