
Thesis + Outline I. Thesis Statement: Has been ongoing throughout the world as being both

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Thesis + Outline
I. Thesis Statement: Has been ongoing throughout the world as being both unconstitutional and inhumane or a just punishment for those who offend certain laws, eye for an eye. Capital Punishment should be legalized because it is ethical, safety for the public and to lower the cost of prisons. Capital punishment is appropriate because it provides a strong durance against future crime, it protects the rights of victims, and because everyone benefits from it.
II. Background: History as in The 5 W’s and Why should it be legalized.

III. Public’s Safety
A. If inmate gets release might escalate to a more dangerous crime Capital punishment is the best way to keep people safe, to make sure murderers won’t ever kill again and it …show more content…

“Today, the accuracy of modern forensics and DNA testing makes it very unlikely for an innocent person to be put on death row.” (Sharp). Many think the cost of the death penalty is so expensive more than that life without parole ('LWOP') “JFA [Justice for All] estimates that LWOP cases will cost $1.2 million-$3.6 million more than equivalent death penalty cases. Over time, LWOP cases are much more expensive... than death penalty cases. Opponents ludicrously claim that the death penalty costs, over time, 3-10 times more than LWOP.” (Sharp).
C. Have better things to pay for ex: Education
V. Ethics
A. Proper Death, Act of Justice, Humane manner.
B. Its justice the idea of retribution
C. The process of capital punishment.
VI. Opposition claim 1: human rights the death penalty won't bring the victim back or undo what has been done. We need to start investing in programs that will actually improve public safety and just get more killers off the streets.
1. Fact and Ex.
VII. Opposition claim 2: The death penalty is an expression of the absolute power of the state; abolition of that penalty is a much- needed limit on government power. There is racial and economic discrimination in application of the death penalty.
1. Fact and Ex.
VIII. Opposition claim 3: The death penalty involves medical doctors, who are sworn to preserve life, in the act of killing. There are strong religious reasons for many to oppose the death penalty. There is

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