
Thesis On 12 Angry Men

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Twelve Angry Men
In the 1957 MGM film, Twelve Angry Men, a young boy from the slum is on trial for allegedly stabbing his father to death. The jury from New York City is forced to have 12 men agree as to whether the boy is guilty or not guilty. If they decide not guilty, the boy is set free; if he is found guilty, the boy will receive the death sentence. In the beginning all but one agreed the boy was guilty; Juror 8, Mr. Davis, argues that the boy deserves some deliberation. Mr. Davis changed the other eleven jurors’ minds by using his core values such as keeping an open-mind, staying humble, and believing every life is valuable. By keeping an open-mind, Mr. Davis was able to look into the details of the facts presented and create an argument as to why the boy could perpetually be not guilty. Henri Bergson, a French philosopher, said “The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.” Everyone but Mr. Davis came into the room closed minded and was unable to see a different perspective. They were unable to understand, sympathize and make sense of the argument Mr. Davis was making. Mr. Davis was able to persuade one man to have an open-mind; juror number five. The two men then began to look further into the details of the evidence. This is when they discovered the eye glass indents in the nose bridge of the woman witness. They discussed the possibility of the woman having the ability to actually see through a moving train, across the street, and in the dark. This

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