
Thick Face Black Heart Summary

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English MO1A Journal TFBH CH.1 “Thick Face, Black Heart is the secret law of nature that governs * successful behavior in every aspect of one’s life.” This is the main point that Chin-Ning Chu tries to make through this chapter and it is the underlying point for her entire book. Thick Face Black Heart is a saying that means you are not worried about criticism from others and you are willing to focus on your goal and ignore the costs of achieving your goal. To put it in the authors own words thick face is the shield and black heart is the spear. You can take this philosophy and apply it to many aspects of life. I think that I will use this way of thinking a lot more than I already do after reading this book. If I …show more content…

If you only focus on personal gain and every chance you get you are trying to figure out the right thing to do than you will always be trying to find the right thing to do for yourself. The point I think was made in this chapter is that you need to always be thinking about the best way to do things. This combined with the other aspects of Thick Face Black Heart will lead to great personal gain in any aspect of life that you try to apply this way of thinking to. The only thing I don’t understand is that if dharma is a natural law then but our duties are often determined by others, than how can it be a natural thing. If its natural we wouldn’t need direction to perform

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