This year I had the pleasure of reading Napoleon Hill’s book entitled Think and Grow Rich, a book inspired by Andrew Carnegie that reveals how numerous pioneers of industry grew their wealth over time. Since reading this book, I have made a habit of setting clear, achievable goals and using visualization techniques and unwavering persistence to see these goals become reality. Other titles of books I have read this year for pleasure include: Cosmos by Carl Sagan, Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari, For the Love of Physics by Walter Lewin, Get Rich with Dividends by Marc Lichtenfeld, and Seven Elements that Changed the World: An Adventure of Ingenuity and Discovery by John
7 How can someone build wealth? Make a list of stuff that you have. Buy more stuff that makes money instead of stuff that loses
Big Ideas for Big Business was written by Edward Purinton, dean of the American Efficiency Foundation and author. This document was written because the American economy boomed in the 1920s due to post-war conditions and more people were becoming wealthy as a result. Edward Purinton advocated and supported big business.
Words in the English language can have numerous definitions and connotations; the term rich is no different than the rest. The first definition most people think of when they hear the word "rich" is having loads of money, which is exactly what Pete has in “The Rich Brother” by Tobias Wolff. This definition of rich and the title of the story lead many readers to assume that Pete is rich and his brother Donald is poor, but this is not necessarily the case. A person can also be rich because they supply a large amount of something that is needed, such as love or forgiveness. After further analysis and a different view of the definition of “rich,” it is discovered that Donald is in fact, the rich brother, not the monetarily rich Pete.
Federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. If a person works 40 hours a week while making minimum wage, that’s roughly $290 he/she is earning per week. If a worker is paid $7.25 per hour, works an average of 40 hours each week, works all 52 weeks of the calendar year, and doesn’t have any vacation time, the maximum yearly salary that a person can earn is $15,080. On the other hand, imagine a corporate business owner. This past year his company’s stock rose 35%, and his net worth peaked over $100 million. Although e’s very pleased and satisfied with success, he complains due to the lack of governmental support for the rich, or about the unfair tax rates placed on millionaires. In general, it seems there is always something to complain about. The
What do Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates have all in common? If you said they are all very rich with a high net worth and have changed the game in technology, then you are correct. To achieve their success they had and still have a powerful tool with them. That powerful tool is reading! Reading has been a key tool in their successful life. Reading is essential to a successful life because it brings you knowledge, it opens doors for college and work, and it’s good for your health.
The book begins with the author David Bach meeting Jim McIntyre after one of his investment classes. Jim requests to meet the author to review their financial situation and the meeting is set. Mr. Bach is amazed as he looks through the McIntyre’s finances and the conversation switches from looking at their situation to asking how they’ve done what they’ve done. What the McIntyres told the author has help himself and many others through this book become automatic millionaires.
I will teach you to be Rich is a guide by Ramit Sethi. It begins by asking “Why do so many people get fat after college? At first glance, this seems to have nothing with finances, but Sethi ties it together with a uniquely down-to-earth humorous approach to finances. Ramit Sethi insists that his approach in I will teach you to be rich can work for anyone and everyone.
T. Harv Eker has written numerous books such as, “Think rich to get rich” and “Secrets of a Millionaire Mind in Turbulence.” I think that Eker wrote this book to help people become rich by using his so called “tactics.” His intentions sound alright, but you’ll find out later what I am talking about. He does have some key points that I find well done by Eker, and I will explain these later in the review. “The Secrets of a Millionaire Mind, Mastering the Inner Game of Work” is nothing like I expected it to be. Some of the stuff in the book is good advice, and some of the stuff is unusual, and something that I did not expect in a personal finance book.
While writing this book, I feel like the author was trying to portray to readers that there is not anything wrong with curious and hardworking. He shows readers that being curious can discover some things you never would have realized. For example, when Christopher found the letters written to him by his mom. If he showed no interest in the mystery and writing things about it, he would have never found the letters. This shows that being curious is okay because in the long run you might find out something you may have never payed any attention to before. The author also shows the readers that working hard can pay off, like when Christopher decides to set more goals to get A’s in Math and Physics so he can attend a university in another town.
How does one earn the title of wealthy? Authors Dr. Thomas J. Stanley and Dr. William D. Danko have studied how people become wealthy for over twenty years. They have conducted research, written books, conducted seminars, and advised major corporations on whom the wealthy are and what are the characteristics of the affluent in America. The research for The Millionaire Next Door was comprised of personal, as well as focus group interviews, with more than 500 millionaires. A survey of 1,115 high net worth and/ or high income respondents was also compiled. The authors define the threshold for being wealthy as having a net worth of $1 million or more. This is one distinction that the authors make in comparison
The books I have read has steered my course. Books are a wealth of knowledge, and inspiration. This list will consist of my top ten most influential to me. In order of when I read them, not preference. A disclaimer, I don't agree with every opinion or mindset in these books. The diverse perspectives contribute to my own opinions and encourage me to share my own.
One of the first most successful business mogul, Jonny Rockefeller achieved tremendous financial success. “The New Tycoons: John D. Rockefeller” He became one of America’s first billionaire. As a capitalist his goal was to make money. He envisioned himself as one of the richest person in America. Becoming a billionaire wasn’t something that was handed to him on a silver platter. “10 People Living the American Dream” Growing up he was one of six children. His mother raised him mostly single-handedly. He held various jobs to help support his family. Eventually his brother and him ventured in the oil business and monopolized the industry.
After reading, “The Little Book That Still Beats the Market” by Joel Greenblatt I believe everyone is capable of learning how to make money for themselves after the advice given on the value of investing. Greenblatt communicates in a form of storytelling into a conversation as he discusses how if you truly trust something and believe on it then it will help you and it can work towards your advantage. In this case, it is believing that the famous magic formula truly works in order to help you make money. At first, Greenblatt helps us understand how to view the stock market. We must always think of the future because we always have to think ahead; when it comes to a business and investing we need to figure out what will the value of that company be during all of its upcoming lifetime. Once the value is determined it helps us analyze how the worth of the money is going to change from the present to the future. Knowing that value is what will help us make the decision whether to invest or not. Greenblatt provides an example by asking his son to decide whether or not he would invest in someone else gum business. The emphasis is figuring
Most people in today’s society define success as someone who makes a lot of money or has done something important to help form today’s society. People such as Bill Gates or Donald Trump are considered successful because they have lots of money. Even actors whose lives are wrecked and destroyed are considered successful because of the money they have. Others, like Thomas Edison, are considered successful because of accomplishments they achieved in their lives. Thomas Edison, for example, created the light bulb, so most people would consider him successful. In his book, Think & Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill gives 13 steps on how to have the right mindset, attitude, and ability to become successful.
How do wealthy people succeed? In short, they are programmed for it. My realization is this. Its not your surroundings but what's inside you that causes success. My conclusion is this. Its not the tools, it's the person that determines how successful they will be.