
This Change Everything By Narrator Klein

Decent Essays

How does the capitalist form of economic system catalyze the environmental disaster? And how does the cooperative action and renewable energy would save the mother earth? The film” This change everything” narrator Klein explores around the globe to document the struggles of the ordinary people who are engaging in climate change movement. In each different movement, very existence of the people is threatened by environmental degradation, throughout film, narrator provides details answers to these two questions.
According to Klein, embracing the capitalism and the free market for profit making is core factor that brings environmental disaster around the world. Film Brought one examples from the Greece economic crisis. When the country was in economic crisis, government decided to provide permission of mining for private company in order to bring profit. Destruction caused by the mining company to the environment in Greece is massive. According to Smith on human nature “ human being are, at bottom, self-interested; they posses a natural, fundamental desire for betterment, which expresses itself in the uniquely human propensity to exchange goods in the search for profit”. When there is opportunity for profits, greedy of the human nature leads to destruction of massive environment. Mountain was being peeled off in order to extract for gold. Many …show more content…

Narrator traveled different place where the ordinary people are challenging against the privatized company to save environment. Narrator describes that "environmentalism of the poor" the most essential forces for betterment of the global change. From a small town in Greece who were fighting off a Canadian mining company, farmers battling oil and coal companies in Montana, or First Nation people versus the tar sands in Northern Alberta, all these struggles are aimed against

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