
`` This Is Water `` By David Foster Wallace

Decent Essays

We are all selfish no matter how hard we try to deny it. I learned this by listening to the speech “This is Water”, by David Foster Wallace. In the speech, Wallace discusses that if we actually think about what we think about, then we can make our lives better. He also talks about how the exact same experience means two different things to two different people based on their beliefs. Another thing he talks about is that we are all self-centered and tend to interpret life just thinking about ourselves. I completely agree with Wallace’s ideas of people being self-centered and also that people give different meanings to the exact same thing, because they make sense and also because that is how we all think, but no one wants to accept it. In Wallace’s speech, he says that, “It’s a matter of choosing to do the work of somehow altering or getting free of my natural, hard wired default setting which is to be deeply and literally self-centered and to see and interpret life through this lens of self” (Wallace 3). What Wallace means in this quote is that our default setting is to think about ourselves without even thinking twice about it, and that we are the absolute center of the universe. Wallace first makes this statement in section two of the speech, but he keeps talking about this idea throughout the entire speech. He believes that it is hard for people to stop thinking only about themselves, but rather think of other people, and be more aware of the choices we make. I agree

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