
This Women Was Anne Frank's Best Friend

Decent Essays

Learning about the Holocaust helps us by learning from our mistakes. That mistake of killing six million people haunts us today, but we remember because it is a reminder that we will not let that happen again. People speak out and tell their stories because they want you to remember the horrible thing they went through. They hope by sharing their stories it will prevent something like this to never happen again.
People don’t tell their story for themselves, they want you to listen. In the article This Women Was Anne Frank’s Best Friend. What She Is Doing Today Will Inspire you. It tells you how Jopie, Anne’s best friend, missed Anne after the war. She had all this pain and all this sorrow about her best friend dying, but later in life she realizes that she should share her story and her sorrow. Jopie says “If keeping Anne Frank’s memory alive could play some small role preventing future genocides, that it was her duty to do so.” She had all this sorrow about Anne. It took her many years to share her story, but she knows that if Anne’s story can prevent these horrible genocides. It is worth having to relive that pain one more time. Jopie is showing her story because she wants people to one day stop genocides. She wants them to …show more content…

The article Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Holocaust Author Elie Wiesel Dies at 87. Talks about how Elie helps force the public to confront the Holocaust. He wrote a book called Night and he speaks out around the world telling people to remember the Holocaust. The article says “To forget the Holocaust, he always said, would be to kill the victims a second time.” This means that if you don’t remember the pain and the deaths it caused, it might have a chance of happening again. If people remember them they can prevent another genocide. Elie says “ Memory of evil will serve as a shield to death.” By using feeling this sorrow and loss, it protects by not allowing it to happen

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