
Thity-Personal Narrative

Satisfactory Essays

Today was so shitty it started out with my fight with me and brother he went thourgh my stuff when I told him not to and I got mad and yelled at him and now I'm grounded even though he went thourgh my shit -.- And today at school I was feeling really ugly/fat and that made me really sad my friend [my ex] was trying to calm me but he just made it worst :/ I feel bad for letting him down all time Then I came home to find out I was grounded because I yelled at my brother whooooo so I'm probably posting this on 4/5/17 I feel like I'll gain today because I ate more than I usually do because of binges and shit and also I ate lots of sodium like more than 1500mg so if I gain tomrrow I know why plus I felt like I was eating nonstop today so ;-;

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