
Thomas Aquinas Five Arguments For The Existence Of God

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Does God Exist? The concept of god is ambiguous and every person has a different take on it. “Does God Exist” is a huge question philosophers reason about and God’s existence has been an ongoing debate for centuries in the philosophical world. There are many arguments that take a stand on the existence of God but no claim can be proven one-hundred percent true. When it come to philosophers their arguments on whether God exist, usually are composed from either the epistemology or ontology branch. According to Fundamentals of Philosophy by David Stewart ; Epistemology deals with the theory of knowledge. While ontology is concerned with the state of nature in which human beings operates from. David Humus is a philosopher who never believed a God ever existed the views he had can be considered those of an atheist - those who believe a god doesn’t exist-. Thomas Aquinas another proclaimed philosopher on the other hand, possessed the beliefs of an theists - one who believes in the existence of God- . …show more content…

Aquinas shows a general, objective, and rational argument for God’s existence. But people with ideas like philosopher Emmanuel Kant dismissed God’s existence because of the evil in the world. The basis for this argument was that if god existed then he/she would allow for any evil to be present, and since there’s various types of evil in this world there is no God. Making such a claim; that a God doesn’t exist only because there are evils isn’t logical. When you look at the five arguments that Aquinas provided, it shows that the evils in the world derives from informal nature. The things that one does weigh heavily on the knowledge that, that person has; that same knowledge that someone else might not have. Therefore it isn’t logical to say that god doesn’t exist because there are evils in the world, because people dictate what they do which leads to

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