
Thomas Haitian Revolution Analysis

Better Essays

Shady Kamel
“Second Revolutions: Thomas Jefferson and Haiti” Beginning in 1789, France’s political landscape was completely transformed by the chaotic bloodshed that resulted from the country’s absolute monarchy and feudal system. Backing the United States in the American Revolution left France on the verge of bankruptcy, but the Revolution also lay as a precedent for the French to follow soon after. Impacted by the rising enlightenment ideology of inalienable rights, the French depicted the strength of the will of the people and successfully altered the government to better suit the needs of its citizens. Simultaneously, France influenced the rise of another revolution - one that would alter society and the social constructs that society revolves around - the Haitian Revolution. Professor James Alexander Dun argues, however, that the term “revolution” is not used as a noun in this instance, and is in fact used as an adjective to further illustrate its descriptiveness and uniqueness to the situation. He believes that a revolution is constituted by a certain “series of events”, but that the Haitian revolution is more complex than this. Professor Dun’s conclusion that a revolution shouldn’t be viewed as a thing, but rather, should be looked upon as a description is a fascinating assertion as it challenges conventional thinking, and tailors the term to any particular event- such as with France and Haiti. This reasoning expands upon the words’ adaptability and was necessary

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