
Thomas Hobbes' Ideas on Monarchy Essay

Decent Essays

Assessment on Hobbes' Ideas on Monarchy

Thomas Hobbes was a proponent of the monarchal system and in this paper I will prove that Hobbes was right in supporting the monarchal system of government, I will also show the opposing school of thought, and finally, I will give you my opinion on the monarchal system. Thomas Hobbes lived from 1588-1679 and throughout most of his life there was violence going on all around him. The biggest case was the English Civil War. This war lasted about seven years and it overthrew the monarchy, which England had established many years before. After this revolution, shaky governments ruled the land for several years. But then, the English went back to the monarchal system. These times shaped Hobbes’ views …show more content…

For no king can be rich, nor glorious, nor secure, whose subjects are either poor, or contemptible, or too weak (through want or dissension) to maintain a war against their enemies, whereas in a democracy, or aristocracy, the public prosperity confers not so much to the private fortune of one that is corrupt, or ambitious, as doth many times a perfidious advice, a treacherous action, or a civil war” (Hobbes 120). The king or queen decides everything for the good of the people. This has to be true, because if the people are not well, the king will not be well. If the king was corrupt, he would only benefit for a certain amount of time and his people would suffer. Eventually, he would suffer along with them. Essentially, everyone’s lives are intertwined. Another example of why Hobbes prefers monarchies instead of other forms of governments is ability of monarchies to enact legislation without too much “gridlock”. In governments where there are assemblies that are needed to make decisions, they can be inefficient and never reach an agreement, case in point, our U.S. government. It is a model of inefficiency. For example, when a bill is being made and it is approved by the House of Representatives it is passed on to the Senate. If the Senate approves it, it is passed on to the President for approval. If he signs it, it becomes a law. Now for what happens in reality: The House and the Senate usually never agree on any bill because

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