
Thomas Hobbes’S Leviathan, Written In Amid The English

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Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan, written in amid the English Civil War, observed the key idea of absolutism. Leviathan is a metaphor for the state, described as an artificial person whose body is made up of all the bodies of its citizens, who are the literal members of the Leviathan body. (D Weber) This is the process of unconditional and unified sovereign authority looking at no collective right of resistance. Hobbes noticed the egoism of individuals motivated by self-interest. He writes upon the topic of political obligation, whereby individuals relinquish natural rights with the exception of the right to self-preservation. Hobbes puts forth the idea of the social contract, a contract between subjects establishing absolute government. This …show more content…

Here there is the problem of no industry, agriculture, private property or civilisation. Hobbes has found to solve the natural state of mankind. The problem being a state without any morality or justice and permeated by a constant power struggle. In this form, there is no moral or legal limits. Hobbes, questions life that is reduced to a primitive, violent, cruel and crude level. (Grcic p. 373). The ‘state of nature’ shows the political primacy of society and a sovereign to account for human nature to be in a condition before political society. In such a state, man is appetitive, creates conditions of scarcity, a glory seeking animal, uncertain and fundamentally equal. (P Kelly p. 19-20)

Hobbes puts forth human beings as rational creatures with the desire for life and pleasure and questions the ways that they can escape the amoral, lawless and chaotic state of nature (Gricic p. 374). In this step, Hobbes makes known the ‘laws of nature,’ the moral obligation existing in the state of nature asking ways of prudential reason for preservation, willing to seek peace with others and how we can keep agreements (P. Kelly p. 22). A social construction of humanities ‘natural right’ to ‘self-preservation.’ That natural liberty shows how the problem of the state of nature can be solved through allowing one’s own enlightened interest. (Gricic p. 374)

Hobbes’ hypothesis explains at first, in the state of nature people would lay down their

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