
Thomas Jefferson: Founding Father In American History

Decent Essays

Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743, and is still looked at today as one of the main Founding Fathers in American history. This is due to the important roles in the Continental Congress, Conventions and much more. Jefferson was a man of a bigger picture kind of mindset, which means that most of the decisions that he made were much more long term in the sense that it may not do much anything at the moment but in time would turn out to benefit the country in ways only he and a select few could understand. These select few would end up being the Founding Fathers of the country that the United States is today. Thomas Jefferson was a very well educated and intelligent man that played the pivotal role in writing the Declaration of Independence. …show more content…

The document was a shared effort of five very respected and educated men, these men were Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Robert Livingston, Thomas Jefferson, and Roger Sherman. In the end the “main man” was Thomas Jefferson because the Continental Congress thought that he would provide,in the end, the best work. This did not mean that he wrote the document alone, it just meant that he was the person the chose what statements from all the men would actually make it in the actual writing. This at first did not sit especially well with John Adams because in today's terms he felt as though he was in a way “riding bench” but he soon found out that he was wrong. Adams as well as all of the men each had ideas that went into the piece, some more than others. As stated before to be assigned this task was extremely stressful but in the same way something that would have made Jefferson, or any man for that matter very …show more content…

He just worried about his children and at that point grandchildren, and finally gave up on his political obsession. Thomas Jefferson is not necessarily the ideal image of a Founding Father because of the fact that he did everything so much different that those around him, but this is what made him extraordinary. He stuck to what he thought was right and this determination lead to the formation of a great nation, and the fact that he is a Founding Father nevertheless. Thomas Jefferson gave America as a whole the courage to truly become independent and earn the name of the United States, because without that independence it might as well still just be America. Thomas Jefferson died on July 4,

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