
Thomas Jefferson Is A Political Hero

Decent Essays

Historical figures have two different, often contradictory, sides to life . Thomas Jefferson is no different. Jefferson is possibly one of the most iconic and formidable man in American history. A Founding Father and the third President of the Unites States, Jefferson’s political career help shape the American government and future . However, while Jefferson’s political life was full of favorable behavior his personal life was a different story. Jefferson’s life was full of hypocrisy as he preached anti-slavery and freedom for all men yet he not only owned slaves but even father children with them. The unpleasant side of Jefferson is overshadowed but his political legacy. Thomas Jefferson is a political hero’s in the creation of the United States and the development of American Democracy. Born in 1743 in the British colony of Virginia to an prominent family, Jefferson received a decent education and attend the College of William and Mary where he studied to become a lawyer. In 1772 he married Martha Wayles Skelton and gained more wealth, land, and prominence. The American colonies ,, were on the cusp of independence and Thomas Jefferson was one of the biggest supporters of the cause. He attend the Second Continental Congress in 1775 , after which he was appointed to part of a committee to draft one of the most important documents in American history, the Declaration of Independence. Over a 17 day period Jefferson created the first draft of the Declaration, outlining

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