
Essay on Thomas Jefferson

Decent Essays

Associate Level Material

Appendix D

Two-Party Politics

Part 1: Matrix

Complete the matrix by describing the beliefs and ideals of each of the parties.

Generate a list of at least 10 of President Jefferson’s decisions and actions. Decide which party’s ideals are most aligned with the decision or action and provide an explanation of why the decision or action aligns with that party.

Decisions and Actions
Democratic-Republican Party’s Beliefs and Ideals
Federalist Party’s Beliefs and Ideals
The Size of the government was reduced
The decision was supported by Democratic and Republican as they wanted a smaller government
Federalist didn’t support his decision as they wanted a larger and more stronger government …show more content…

Were in favor of taxation.
Land Policies
Made the Parcels smaller and more affordable, and allowed for payment over time, rather than a large lump sum
Were not in favor of the payment plan
Expanding the Agrarian Republic
Western expansion was favored
Did no want to expand the land
Alliance with France
Was in favor of this Alliance with France
Wanted to work with the British
Repelled the judiciary Act of 1801
They were all for it
Jefferson had dismissed many federalist and judges so they were against it.

Part 2: Response

Write a 350-word response to the following question: How “Jeffersonian” was Thomas Jefferson as president?

Jefferson doesn't fit neatly into the label "Jeffersonian”. Jefferson's commitment to the separation of church and state, his "Virginia Act for Establishing Religious Freedom," adopted in 1786, barred government from taxing to fund churches. As president, he wrote that he respected the First Amendment's "wall of separation between church and state." Yet he allowed and attended religious services in the U.S. Capitol and used federal funds to finance Christian missions to Native American nations. Jefferson hoped that converting Indians would induce them to embrace private property and live like their white neighbors.
Jefferson's embrace of strict construction, or limiting the federal government to powers explicitly granted by the Constitution, also masks contradictions. When in 1803 Jefferson learned

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