
Thomas Mor Museum Analysis

Decent Essays

I chose to write about the art piece by Thomas Moran after going to the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston. While walking through the buildings I saw a mass of artwork that ranged from gold artifacts to paintings. I have to say that it was a lot to take in but I chose the painting by Thomas Moran called the Stranded Ship on East Hampton Beach. I liked the painting with the raging water crashing on the beach with the stranded ship in the distance. I really like the contrast of the dark waves with the white spray on the beach and white caps on the waves. It seems to tell how dangerous the waves can be but there is a lot of flow. The waves seem to be choppy but big and dangerous but I can feel the sense of movement and the wind blowing. It …show more content…

The horizontal lines of the land represent calmness and te diagonal and vertical lines of the sea represents power and ever changing . There is a contrast with these two such as the sea is ever changing and the land that is hard slow to change. Next I looked at the shapes of the painting. With landscapes, such as this painting, there is organic shapes that show the chaos and never ending change of the ocean and storm that is pounding the land that is calm. I then looked at the contrast of the waves and land then the sky and storm. The waves are dark with the land being light with the opposite light above the dark waves and dark above the light land area. It makes it seem like the storm clouds are passing with the rising of the …show more content…

Both paintings were purchased by Congress to be displayed in the Washington Capital and was purchased for $10,000 a piece4. This price was unheard of at the time4. Through his work he helped the public to get a sense that the American landscape was awesomely beautiful instead of the thinking it as a hellish land . His paintings make it feel real, almost as if you are there experiencing it for yourself. Viewing his paintings make me feel like I want to visit these places for

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