
Thoughtful Act Examples

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Thoughtful acts can make a difference for everyone involved. They can make a difference for the innocent bystanders, they can make a difference for the one who is doing the act, and they can make a difference for the one who is getting told the nice thoughtful act. It doesn't matter if it's a kind word or a gift. Thoughtful acts benefit those involved because, it can make someone's day, it can make you feel good, and it can inspire someone. The first reason is that a thoughtful act can make someone's day. When you hear a kind word it usually makes you happy. For example once I was having a bad day and Susie said you are amazing. Hearing Susie say that made me happy because, it made me happy because it showed that someone cared. It was extremely thoughtful of Susie telling me that. When Susie said that I was amazing it benefited me by making me super happy. …show more content…

When you tell someone something nice it can give you a warm feeling inside. An example of this would be when I gave Taylor all my Halloween candy. Giving her my Halloween candy made Taylor happy and seeing Taylor happy made me happy. Some other examples of thus is that there is a kid on the bus whose seat is always getting taken. So one day I made the people move. The little boy was delighted and that made me feel good. Both giving Taylor my candy and helping the little boy befitted everybody involved. With Taylor it benefited her because she got candy and with the little boy it benefited him because he got a

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