
Three Billionaires Research Paper

Decent Essays

Izabela Castro
Mr. Miraya
Honors History 11- 1A
10 September 2016
The Three Billionaires of America During the 19th century, the three well-known billionaires were, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and J. Pierpont Morgan. Each of these men are well known for both their wealth and achievements. Each man contributed towards America to help it grow and develop. These three billionaires had their own specialty that developed America. John. D Rockefeller made billions of dollars out of oil, while Andrew Carnegie also made billions on steel. Finally, the third billionaire, J. Pierpont Morgan, made billions of dollars out of banking and finance. The man that had the greatest lasting impact on America was John D. Rockefeller. The first billionaire in America was Rockefeller. Rockefeller grew up in a poor atmosphere. When he was a teenager, he had a very low job, a clerk in a Cleveland shipping firm. However, since he lived a poor life, he was able to save his money. As years went by a man named Edwin Drake …show more content…

Carnegie grew up in a similar life style as Rockefeller. Him and his family was very poor, and his first job was working at a cotton mill, where earned $1.20 per week. Carnegie later got a promotion as a bookkeeper. Years later, he was also a telegrapher. Later he reached a job that he enjoyed which was a personal secretary for a railroad company. During the civil war, he would help transport soldiers to the hospital. He earned a small amount of money and he soon invested it in steel. As he got more money, he would buy other railroad companies and iron mines. When he owned these companies, he would reduce his costs and produce cheaper steel. His company was Carnegie Steel Company, which he later sold to J.P Morgan for 500 million dollars. Before his death, Carnegie also donated his money to public foundations. He built Carnegie-Mellon University and Carnegie Hall, which is well known to this day in New

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